Ace 14

Length over all: 14’ 4” || Waterline length: 14’ 0” || Beam: 5’ 7”
Draft, board up: 0’ 5”.|| Draft, board down: 2’ 11”
Weight: 215pounds || Sail area; 116 sq. ft.


The ACE 14 is an exciting daysailer with stowage compartments fore and aft which allow you to carry an ample load of camping gear for longer trips. She is designed for a crew of two or three, although she can be sailed singlehanded (she handles strong breezes beautifully under just a reefed mainsail).

The ACE's simple, efficient construction method uses 1/4 inch plywood, to give a strong, light hull. Epoxy glued, and sheathed with fiberglass cloth and epoxy resin, your ACE will give you a lifetime of superb sailing, with the minimum of maintenance.

Here's what two ACE builders have to say about their boats:

"I think your design is terrific. I am working in a boatbuilders' co-op, so there are all kinds of boatbuilders around, and they all come in and admire my boat. I have followed your drawing and directions very carefully, and everything has just gone together perfectly. Congratulations on putting together a superb set of plans, and a great design."
Jim Leefe, Sausalito, CA.

"During my lifetime of sailing experience, my wife and I have sailed boats of many sizes, up to a Tartan 37. I am not sure that we have had any more fun with a boat than we are having with out Current [ACE 14] Solitude. Congratulations on an excellent design."
John Breese, Fort Myers, FL.


Ace 14

The plans include six sheets of construction drawings, and full size patterns printed on Mylar for accuracy and ease of use. A centerboard and daggerboard are shown as options. The illustrated construction manual takes you step by step through each stage of building the boat. There are sections on selecting plywood and lumber, a full materials list, and specifications and drawings for a road trailer.


Basic materials include: 8 sheets of 1/4" plywood, lumber for frames etc., a gallon of epoxy resin, fiberglass cloth, and paint. The materials will be available either from your local lumber yard, or by mail order. The total cost to put your ACE in the water should be about $3,500 - $4,000.

The time you will need to complete the ACE will depend very much on the pace at which you work. A reasonably experienced woodworker could have the boat ready to rig in 170-200 hours. A wooden mast and boom would add 40-50 hours to that.

WHAT YOU CAN ORDER: (Click on Boat Design and Prices Page and Order Form || Shipping costs are given on the Order Form)

    This includes a blueline drawing showing the sail plan and deck layout, and a booklet with a complete description of the boat, its development and construction, illustrated with photographs and drawings.$16.00 + P&H. Shipping costs are given on the Order Form

  • PLANS:
    Construction drawings, sail plan, full size Mylar patterns and building manual. ). $244.00 +  P&H. Shipping costs are given on the Order Form

    Sails, epoxy kit, and plywood packages. Please call for details.

To view detailed boat plans description and spec pages, select a link below
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