Sand Dollar

Length: 11’ 0” || Beam: 3’ 10 ½”
Draft, board up: 0’ 5” || Draft, board down: 1’ 11” || Weight: 95 – 120 pounds
Sail areas: Gunter rig: 55 sq. ft. || Lugsail rig: 49 sq. ft. || Sprit rig: 49 sq. ft.


Sand Dollar is designed for the first-time builder, including those with no previous woodworking experience. She is a flat-bottomed skiff, with lapstrake sides. The bottom and sides are marine plywood, glued and screwed to a simple framework. As with the Penobscot 14, I took great pains with the lines, building a model to refine the shape. The result is a very pretty, practical little boat that will satisfy both the novice and experienced boat builder.

I included some innovations in the construction method, that made it possible to include some details that have the look of the craftsman's work, but which are really very easy to do. One is to install the seats before the side planking, which avoids having to cut them to fit inside the boat, as you would if they were installed later. I also developed very simple methods for cutting and fitting other parts that add so much to the boat's appearance.

Sand Dollar is a delight to build, and versatile on the water. She is a pleasure to row, and handles beautifully under sail. She is great for daysailing or fishing, and of course you can put a small outboard on the transom if you wish.


I have tried hard to make the plans the most complete and detailed that you can buy. There are 15 sheets of drawings, including construction drawings, full size details, and sail plans, and a large sheet of full size patterns, showing the stem, transom, bulkheads, and building frames. This is printed on Mylar, which is very accurate, and stands up much better than paper to the rigors of workshop use. Being transparent also makes it easier than paper to use. There is also a complete building manual, illustrated with numerous drawings and photographs, which takes you step by step through the whole building process. It also includes a materials list and cutting schedule, a section on sharpening your tools, and sources for hardware you will need.



The two hour video/DVD takes you in great detail through each stage of building the boat. There are numerous close-ups, showing exactly how to get good results with some of the jobs that may be new to you. The video/DVD finishes with some great shots of the boat under sail and oar.


You need a very basic set of woodworking tools to build Sand Dollar. These include a hand plane, a set of chisels, handsaw, and measuring tools. The essential power tools are an electric drill and a jigsaw. A list of necessary tools, with recommendations on which are most suitable, is given in the building manual.

Sand Dollar requires three sheets of 6 mm (1/4 inch) marine plywood for the planking, bulkheads, transom, etc. I recommend okoume or meranti; it is readily available, affordable, attractive, and pleasant to work. Suitable lumber for other parts of the boat is available almost everywhere. I don't make recommendations because of regional variations in price and availability, but I am always glad to answer questions about the suitability of any wood, or to help you find a source for lumber or plywood.

Other materials include epoxy resin, and stainless steel screws. The epoxy can be obtained by mail order (or order the epoxy kit -see below); suitable screws are carried by most good hardware stores.

You should be able to put Sand Dollar in the water, with sailing rig, for close to $1,600.00. The building time depends very much on how much time you put in, how quick you are, how many coats of varnish you put on, and so on. Some builders will finish in six weeks or so of spare-time work; others will need three or four months. The point to remember is that it is not how quickly you finish, but how much you enjoy the work, that counts!

WHAT YOU CAN ORDER: (Click on Boat Design and Prices Page and Order Form || Shipping costs are given on the Order Form)

    sand This includes a 24" x 36" blueline drawing showing the lines of the boat, construction sections, interior layout, and sail plans, and a booklet containing a complete description of the boat, its development and construction, and numerous photographs and drawings. $20.00 + P&H. Shipping costs are given on the Order Form

  • PLANS:
    Fifteen sheets of drawings, full size patterns, and illustrated building manual. $244.00 + P&H. Shipping costs are given on the Order Form

    Two hour video/DVD shows each stage of construction and the boat under sail and oar. $35.00 + P&H. Shipping costs are given on the Order Form

    This includes the stem, beveled and marked for setting up, bulkheads, temporary building frames, transom frame, and stem facing - the parts that determine the shape of the boat. They are shipped ready for setting up on a simple jig (not included). The kit also includes the plans and DVD.$898.50, including plans and DVD. Please call for shipping and handling.

    The epoxy kit comes from System Three Resins, and provides you with all the resin, hardener, additives, measuring pumps, brushes, gloves, and other items, that you will need. The System Three Epoxy Book, which gives detailed information on mixing and using epoxy, is included. (Epoxy solvent is not included, due to shipping restrictions. Hardware stores carry acetone or denatured alcohol, for use in cleaning up uncured epoxy). Please call for shipping and handling.

    Plywood packages include all the plywood listed in the building manual. They come from World Panel Products, Inc., Riviera Beach, Florida. Three types of plywood are available; meranti, okoume, and sapele. All are high quality, marine grade plywood. Please call for details.

    Sails, rigging kits, masts, spars, and other items. Call for details.

To view detailed boat plans description and spec pages, select a link below
 Penobscot 13 | Penobscot 14 | Penobscot 17 | 12 Foot Main Peapod | Sand Dollar | Laughing Gull | Ace 14
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