Oar Plans

With these plans you can make a pair of lightweight, elegant, efficient spoon or straight blade oars from common lumberyard stock.  They feature ellipsoid rather than conventional round looms (the loom is the shaft of the oar).  This makes them both lighter and easier to make, while still allowing them to be used in conventional oarlocks.  The plans include two sheets of drawings, with full size patterns for the blades, and detailed instructions. $32.00 + P&H. Shipping costs are given on the Order Form.  No extra shipping charge if ordered with boat plans.)

To view detailed boat plans description and spec pages, select a link below
 Penobscot 13 | Penobscot 14 | Penobscot 17 | 12 Foot Main Peapod | Sand Dollar | Laughing Gull | Ace 14
Grace's TenderJiffy V-22 | Jiffy 22 | Jiffy 9-7 | Bay Pilot 18 | Jack Tar | Grace Eileen 30 | Oar Plans